What Brings Out the Worst in People
By Shannon M. Palmo
What brings out the worst in a person?
A question I have been pondering as of late
Currently we live in a world where we as humans are
Stuck in our homes
Forced to wear masks when we go out
Unable to see loved ones
A Pandemic of epic proportions
Corona Virus or COVID- 19
Nothing quite seen for many of us
I am what is now called an essential worker
Working in customer service
I have seen many things in my many years in this industry
Always seeing something that leaves me speechless
It is now that I am seeing the worst in humanity
While many praise our health care workers
And other essentials
I am seeing the worst
I have always thought people couldn’t ever get worse
Until now,
Many people who come into the store I work at are
And many more words that at the moment I can’t find
I am hearing all these people complain
Watching as myself and my co-workers respond with sarcasm ourselves
Just because of how people act
I have had customers rip items out of my hands
I have been called names that I have to do a double take
And most of all
I have seen the most disrespectful people
And I am dumbfounded
How people can act like this
During a time like this
I am witnessing
The worst in humankind
While there are people who are just as kind and considerate
As there are the complete opposite
I didn’t expect a pandemic
To bring out the worst in people.
Nature Reborn
By Shannon M. Palmo
The past few months have seen nature reborn
While humans are forced to stay inside
To not travel
We are seeing the most astounding changes around us
Venice, Italy is seeing clear water ways
Jelly fish are swimming in the waters
And for once we can see them
There is no boat traffic
Polluting the waters
Cities are seeing clear skies
As air pollution is down
Due to lack of planes and cars driving around
Nature is healing
While we are home
It is astonishing what can happen
When nature is not affected by humans
It can heal
And be reborn
Welcome to quarantine
By Shannon M. Palmo
Welcome to sickness
Welcome to distance
Welcome to the current world pandemic
Families unable to see each other
Individuals who live alone stuck in an empty home
People scared because they are considered immune-compromised
People who are essential and immune-compromised
Still having to go to work and risk illness
Welcome to a world where we see humanity at its worst
And yet I see something else
I am immune-compromised
I am an essential worker
But I am not thinking of myself
I am thinking of my grandmother
I am thinking of the many emotions surrounding me
Happy, Relief, Sadness
It was just 6 months ago we lost her
I think about everything happening now
And know that she wouldn't have made it through this pandemic
As much as I miss her, I think she was better off to have passed when she did
I don't think of myself
I think of my mom and grandfather
Both who if they get sick, it could kill them
Even though like me they have compromised immune systems
I think about the positives of life right now
Our planet healing from all of the toxicity of humans
Seeing side by side photos of Venice Italy
One photo with a boat and the other without boat traffic
I see our planet becoming more alive
We still have a long way to go
But some good is coming of this
I post random memes and lists
Just to get a smile on at least one person’s face
I am choosing to not let fear take over me
Those with anxiety, not freaking out
We've already imagined the worst so this is nothing to us
But the choice to not let fear take over
That is hard especially with all we read and see
I still would rather be silly and keep everyone's spirits up
This is my choice
Maybe more should make the same choice
Let the fear dissipate into hope.
Shannon Palmo is a transfer student to the University at Albany, majoring in English with a double minor in Journalism and Creative Writing. She enjoys many different genres of books and poetry.